HOME インフォメーション 詳細 【12/8-10開催】2nd International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University 2017年12月06日 日本放射線影響学会 会員の皆様 12月8日(金)~10日(日)に下記の国際シンポジウムを開催しますので、ご案内致します。 (発表言語は英語です。通訳はありません)。 シンポジウムでは、「地域に展開する物質科学と環境放射線科学の最前線」をテーマとし、 デンマーク国 元リソ国立研究所のKasper Grann Andersson博士によるプレナリートーク、 福島大学、富山大学の研究者による環境放射能に関する講演を予定しています。 入場無料・事前登録不要ですので、ぜひご参加ください。 2nd International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University http://www.quantum.ibaraki.ac.jp/articles/20171114.html ○ 日時:2017年12月8-10日 ○ 場所:茨城大学 水戸キャンパス図書館3階ライブラリーホール(茨城県水戸市文京2-1-1) ○ 参加費:無料 ○ Preliminary program 8th December 12:30 Registration desk Open 13:30 Welcom Address & Opening Remarks 14:10-16:00 Plenary Session 1. Overview of atomic-substitution effects on local electronic states in matters – As an introduction to the symposium –, by Kazuaki Iwasa, iFRC, Ibaraki University 2. On management of contaminated inhabited areas: the Chernobyl experience and European preparedness , by Kasper Grann Andersson, Technical University of Denmark 16:00-17:20 Session1 : Local-structure science by multiprobes 1 3. Current status of triple-axis spectrometers in HANARO and collaboration between Ibaraki Universit y and KAERI, by Haruhiro Hiraka, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute 4. Local-structure science by XAFS and Neutron scattering, by Haruhiro Hiraka, Korea Atomic Energy R esearch Institute 5. Current status of Cold Neutron Activation Techniques for PGAA and NDP at KAERI, by Gwang-Min Sun, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute 9th December 9:00 Registration desk Open 9:30-12:00 Session2 : Local-structure science by multiprobes 2 6. Oxidation locus on one-electron oxidized metal(II)-diphenoxide complexes with salen-type ligands, by Yuichi Shimazaki, College of Science, Ibaraki University 7. Electron microscope investigations of nanocrystals, by Kouichi Nakashima, Faculty of Engineering, Ibaraki University 8. Functional disorders in crystalline materials revealed by PDF analysis, by Shin-ichi Shamoto, Jap an Atomic Energy Agency 9. NMR and electron crystallography to address salt/cocrystal/continuum and polymorphs problem, by K ouichi Nakashima, JEOL RESONANCE Inc., RIKEN CLST-JEOL Collaboration Center 13:30-15:30 10. Advances in X-ray Single-Molecule Observations from SR to Laboratory, by Yuji C. Sasaki, Graduat e school of Frontier Science, University of Tokyo 11. Observations of doping effects to atomic structures by neutron atomic resolution holography, by Kenji Ohoyama, Faculty of Engineering, Ibaraki University 12. Superconducting ground state of unconventional superconductor A2Cr3As3 (A=K and Cs) and ThFeAsN investigated using μSR measurements, by Devashibhai Adroja, ISIS Facillity, Rutherford Appleton Labo ratory 13. Field-induced antiferromagnetism and its concomitant quantum critical fluctuation in Zn-doped Ce CoIn5, by Makoto Yokoyama, College of Science, Ibaraki University 14. Structural studies on the electronic states of molecular conductors using synchrotron radiation, by Hiroyuki Nishikawa, College of Science, Ibaraki University 16:00-17:40 Poster session 10th December 9:00 Registration desk Open 9:30- 12:00 Session3 : Radioactive contamination and environmental remediation at Fukushima 15. Physicochemical fraction of radio-caesium and its behavior in the terrestrial environment, by Hi rofumi Tsukada, Institute Environmental Radioactivity, Fukushima University 16. Atmospheric re-suspension mechanism of radio-caesium - possibility of circulation between atmosp here and biosphere, by Kazuyuki Kita, College of Science, Ibaraki University 17. Radioactive contamination of Fukushima forests: dynamics and impact, by Vasyl Yoshenko, Institut e Environmental Radioactivity, Fukushima University 18. Mobility of 137Cs in undisturbed and cultivated soils in Toyama after nuclear weapons fallout, b y Katsumi Marushige, Faculty of Science, Toyama University 12:00-12:30 Closing Remarks, by Fumitoshi Iga and Hiroshi Tauchi, College of Science, Ibaraki Univ ersity 主 催:茨城大学大学院理工学研究科量子線科学専攻