HOME 重要なお知らせ 詳細 【12/12開催】ICRP-QST-RERF共同ワークショップ 2018年10月03日 理事長 ICRP-QST-RERF共同ワークショップのお知らせ ワークショップのタイトル Individual Response to Ionising Radiation Current Scientific Evidence on Factors that Influence Individual Response Organised by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST) and Radiation Effect Research Foundation (RERF) In collaboration with National Cancer Center Japan (NCC), Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology (JASTRO), Japan Radiological Society (JRS), Japan Health Physics Society (JHPS) The Japanese Radiation Research Society (JRRS) 日時:12月12日 場所:国立がん研究センター https://www.ncc.go.jp/en/about/access/index.html 申込み:〆切11月28日、register@icrp.org Attendance at the workshop is free of charge. However, advance registration is required as attendanc e is limited. Please send your name, affiliation, and e-mail address to Hiroki Fujita (ICRP Assistant Scientific S ecretary) at register@icrp.org プログラム Preliminary program (9:00-17:00) Welcome and Greetings 1. W. Rühm (ICRP): Setting the Scene 2. A. Wojcik (ICRP): Human Individual Radiation Sensitivity and Prospects for Prediction Factors 3. M. Bourgignon (ICRP): Radiosensitivity and radiotherapy patients 4. A. Brenner (RERF): Age-dependence of breast cancer risk 5. K. Ozasa (RERF): Life-style related cancer risk: Smoking and cancer 6. Y. Suto (QST/NIRS): Individual difference of chromosome aberration in accidentally exposed worker s 7. H. Ohnishi (JASTRO): Individual difference of post irradiated antitumor effect and lung damage in patients with lung cancer 8. M. Akahane (JRS): Individual variation in clinical practices and protocols 9. Moderated Discussion Closing ► TSUSHIN18136.pdf ( TSUSHIN18136.pdf )