HOME インフォメーション 詳細 ICRR2019へのscientists in training, SITS参加促進のお願い 2019年06月17日 ICRR 2019 Local Organising TeamのPenny Jeggo教授より、若手研究者(scientists in training, SITS)のIC RR2019への参加促進への協力依頼がありましたので、転送いたします。 Dear People involved with IARR, Registration for ICRR2019 is progressing well but we are particularly keen to attract more scientist s in training (SITS) to the meeting. Promoting SIT attendance at meetings has always been a major fo cus for us at ARR, and we would like to extend this to ICRR. We have an outstanding programme with s ome really great plenary talks and award lectures, as well as keynote speakers. There will be debate s and good opportunities to interact and network. At ARR we have been amazed by how attendance at me etings of this nature enthuses SITS and helps to focus their minds on a career in radiation biology, be it from a clinical perspective, radiation protection, journalism or research itself. Given the i nternational nature of this meeting, including so many leading international speakers in the field, this meeting has an even greater possibility to change the minds of SITS in the context of future ca reers. The website for the meeting is http://icrr2019manchester.com/. We appreciate that the cost of attend ance can be challenging to support – to help this, we have now included on the website a list of bud get accommodation suitable for SITS. Travel on UK trains can be cheaper if booked in advance (and th ere is still time for that) and cheap flights to Manchester are available from many destinations in Europe. Thus, we ask you to consider supporting any SITS in your lab or institute to attend ICRR2019 . For those of your further afield, we have had many bursaries but there is little we can do to dire ctly help with travel at this point. The possibility for presenting late breaking abstracts as well as flash presentations is still available (closes July 8th) and we are aiming to support as many SIT S as possible to provide presentations. Please convey this message to lab heads (and SITS) in your countries, and encourage as many SITS as possible to attend what I am sure will be an exciting meeting, Best wishes, Penny Jeggo on behalf of ICRR 2019 Local Organising Team (Kaye Williams, Ester Hammond, Catharine West, Christophe Bade, Rhon a Anderson, Mark Hill) Prof. Penny A. Jeggo FMedSci Genome Damage and Stability Centre, University of Sussex, Science Park Road, Falmer Brighton BN1 9RQ, UK Tel: 01273 678482 fax: 01273 678121 email: p.a.jeggo@sussex.ac.uk